The registration process is a once-off process. Please follow the process from beginning to end to ensure successful registration.

It will only take a few minutes to complete.

1. Set Up Your docLOCK Profile

When receiving an email with encrypted documents for the 1st time you will see following in the body of the email.

Select “Access your documents Password here” and you will be redirected to docLOCK’s website.


Select “Get login password


Type in your email address and select “Get New Password


Your docLOCK profile is linked to your email address so please make sure you register with the same email address that will receive the password protected documents.


A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you registered with. Open the email and click on the link, this confirms that you really are you. You will then be navigated back to to change your password.

2. Create A Strong Password


A random complex password will be automatically generated for you. You have the option to use the generated password or delete it and create your own defined strong password. We strongly recommend that you delete it and type in your own strong password that you can remember.

See tips for creating a strong password here.

Enter your new password  and select “Reset Password


Select “Log in


Enter your login details

4. Select Two Factor Method

Select the Two Factor Method of your choice. 

You have a choice of 2 options. You could choose 1 of the below options or you could decide to use both.

A) Two Factor Authentication (2FA) App downloaded onto your mobile phone.

B) Security Questions (mobile phone not required)

You will be required to authenticate with 1 of these options every time you log onto your Password Vault.

4A) Install An Authenticator App On Your Mobile Phone

Go to the App Store or Play Store and install an authenticator app on your mobile phone. This adds an extra layer of security to prevent others from gaining access to your account.

There are many free authenticator apps to choose from. You could spend some time browsing through the App Store or Play Store to explore all your options or download one of these:

Google Authenticator

Microsoft Authenticator

Then ADD docLOCK To Your Authenticator App 

Select Google Authenticator.

NOTE: If you don’t have a smart phone or don’t want to use an authenticator, select Security Questions to skip this step.

Select your phone type.

Open the Authenticator App you installed earlier on your smart phone and select “Begin Setup”  then “Scan Barcode”

Scan the Barcode

Enter the docLOCK Auth Code (OTP) and select “Verify and Save”

10 scan-the-barcode

4B) Complete The Security Questions

Complete the Security Questions and select “Save”.

Please ensure that you will remember the answers that you chose.

Congratulations! Your registration was successful.

From now on log in using only your password and Authentication Code from your phone, or answer your security questions.

In order for anyone (including you) to login in to your docLOCK profile, and gain access to your password vault, that person requires 3 things.

If any 1 of these elements are missing, access to the Password Vault will be denied.

  1. Must have access to your email account.
  2. Must know your docLOCK password.
  3. Must have access to your mobile phone to operate the authenticator or, know the answers to your security questions.

Happy docLOCKing!