Password Rules
– Your password must be 12 characters or longer.
– Use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
– Avoid using personal information, dictionary words or consecutive numbers.
– Avoid number-letter substitutions like using the number 5 for the letter S.
Then how do you create a hard-to-crack password that is unique, easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess?
Think of a random sentance or phrase then transform it a password using a rule. For example;
“The quick Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog too.”
1. Take the first letter of every word (upper and lower case) = TqBFjotld (10 characters)
2. Add numbers and symbols = “TqBFj^tld2.” (13 characters)
Alternatively, incorporate shortcuts or acronyms into your phrase.
– To be or not to be, that is the question = 2BorNot2B_ThatIsThe?
– Later, later, not today = L8r_L8rNot2day
– Pass Go and collect $200 = p@$GOandCLCt$200
If you really struggle to get to 12 characters, you could always incorporate text emoticons.
You will be more likely to remember your phrase if it means something to you or you can associate it with the website or application.